- No added sugars, and completely without molasses. Our granola contains no sugar and molasses. Even vitamin pellets are produced without the addition of molasses! This makes it perfectly suited for horses that are prone to laminitis lipcówki or insulin resistance. The total sugar content in the feed is only 2.8% (a 0.0% molasses). This minimum amount in the composition due to the fact of their natural presence in the beans used.
- The optimum ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids are essential Omega 3 fatty acids. They have a positive impact on health when present in proper proportion to Omega 6 fatty acids Food with the proper balance between omega 3 and 6 contribute to the improvement of fertility, strength, quality of hooves, skin, fur, and ability to concentrate which translates into a final score of the competition during the competition.
- Additional fiber. High in fiber and a large grain stimulate rumination, which in turn causes increased production of saliva. Saliva neutralizes fluctuations in pH, which causes food. For these reasons, Nature Balance is ideal for horses with problems of gastric and / or horses are subject to factors of stress.
- The wheat and spelled. Spelt contains natural glucosamine, which plays an important role in the development and regeneration of cartilage, which in turn is important for flexible and healthy joints. It is suitable as feed for horses with degenerative arthritis.
- With the addition of garlic. Garlic, as we know, has for years been the most widely used herb for its positive effects on health. Ideal for horses that are nervous and harassed by various insects such as flies and sideburns.
- Without oats. Nature Balnace totally do not include the composition of oats, so it can be recommended for horses that are allergic to oats.
There is no need to feed large amounts of Natural Balance because it is highly concentrated feed in relation to its energy content, level of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. "And because the less you feed your horse eats even less sugar!"